Monthly Archives: November 2011

Thank You!

To all of our magnificent benefactors. Donations from as far away as England and communities as close as Port Albert. Know that our hearts are with yours this holiday season.

Dear Council and Administration Town of Goderich

These are certainly trying times we are facing in light of the tornado that tore through our town in August. So many buildings and homes have to be demolished. As much as I realize it has to happen, it doesn’t change the emotions I feel when I see the changing landscape. It breaks my heart when something I always thought would be there isn’t.

Our house made out much better than most in our neighbourhood. Soffit and fascia and shingles off, but we have a roof still. Broken windows and cracks in the walls, but they can be repaired. The ceiling came down in the kitchen, yet held until my kids and the little boy they were babysitting made it to safety in the basement. Thankfully, because there was glass everywhere. There was glass embedded in our furniture. I’m leaving some as is, to remind us how incredibly lucky we were that day.

We live at the corner of Elgin East and Cambria. Directly across from where the Carter’s and Moulton’s house once stood. Their houses are gone now, but we are looking forward to the day when they, and all our neighbours, are home again. Continue reading

Goderich Santa Claus Parade and Fall in Huron County

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Here’s to the crazy ones…

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
Steve Jobs
US computer engineer & industrialist (1955 -2011 )

Positive forward motion

The Goderich Trees Project which is a group of volunteers seeking to help others effected by the F3 Tornado that ripped through our town this past August is pushing forward with their agenda. Our agenda has always been to assist as many private property owners in any way we can with the regreening of their properties. We are the conduit between the assistance and those needing it. People reaching out from far and wide offering trees for donation. We started a tree registry for this to happen and are offering volunteer service to plant these trees so that our taxpayers don’t have to. Registries can be picked up at the East Street Train Station.

Just some of the amazing things we have been given. 500 White Spruce seed kits to hand out to our children from the float that we are entering in our annual Goderich Santa Clause parade. Compliments of Ontario Power Generation and Trees Ontario. Both of these fantastic organizations willing to assist us come spring. Hope floats, let a little person who’s home has been demolished find themselves a pot to plant that in. Watch the wonder in the childs eyes as it grows. Let those same children know that the GTP is going to bring a brand new big tree come spring. Have your children register their seed kit at Ontario Power Generation Biodiversity Program or see the other great news at Trees Ontario.

From close and far. One lady with Oak trees that are the offspring of trees brought from the Royal Arboretum in England offering the small ones in her yard as well as the ones from her mothers yard in London, Ontario. You bet your booties we would love to have them. Who hasn’t done their best thinking, dreaming, writing, singing with their back against the mighty Oak? People in Palmerston and Listowel willing to donate any trees that are movable off of their Industrial Land and find them new homes. The Goderich Trees Project will through generous donations made to and earmarked under the heading of “Essence and Environment.”  It’s not always the trees that cost money, it’s the transportation.

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